Monday, May 1, 2017

Leave a Review, writing, reading, ebooks

Leave a Review

Many of us today read our books on eReaders. It' a great way to carry more than one book when we travel. It's also easy to find more books in the genres we enjoy.
Until I became an author I didn't know how important it was to leave a review. I figured no one cared what I thought. I was so wrong.

Authors can't get their books on most book sites until they have at least five reviews. The better sites insist on fifteen or more. Without this kind of promotion authors have trouble getting their names out there. It's becoming harder and harder to rise above the crowd of book in their genre.

Some people don't feel comfortable writing a review because they're not used to giving their opinion. Even if you simply say, "I liked this book and would recommend it to a friend." More is always welcome, but isn't necessary. The fact that you took your time to leave a review means a lot to an author. We appreciate you more that you'll ever know.

One thing to remember is every word you write becomes a permanent part of the author's record. If you didn't like the book don't just lambast it. Be kind and explain why you didn't like it. Authors also appreciate feedback.

There are some who use the review as an opportunity to rant. This kind of feedback isn't helpful for the author or other readers. It also makes that person look petty

Star ranking can be a god-send or it can be cruel. When you rank the story consider starting at three. Was the book easy to read, was it well edited? Add a star or subtract a star. Did you enjoy the story? Add or subtract. Please don't punish the author because you're in a bad mood or you're not into her genre. I had a review once who said she liked the story and it was well written, but wasn't her genre so she gave me a 2 star review.

Reviews are a wonderful opportunity to express what you liked and what you didn't. As an author  I have learned much from my wonderful readers. Some times I didn't want to hear it, but I'm a much better writer because someone took their time to let me know.

I hope to have encouraged you to speak up and leave a review, for you are needed!

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